Saturday, November 12, 2005

The universe plays funny tricks.

Funny might not be the right word.

For example, on the very day that your too-tight jeans fit and you declare renewed long-term commitment to exercise, your fucking gym closes house. Damn. At least you were looking around for something new anyway, right? Perhaps the universe is trying to help you make a choice. Perhaps it will play similar tricks in other areas of your life. . . .

And I don't exclude myself from this trixy universe equation. I'll be forced to make all kinds of choices here pretty soon. Stay tuned. . . .

In the meantime, and on the fit and fabuless front, TTT kicked my lower body hard on Friday and I am feelin' it. Feelin' it even more after I went for a 40-minute run this afternoon. Running is good. I should do it more often. It makes me a better person: less moody, better at inhaling and exhaling, less likely to eat pancakes in the middle of the afternoon cuz I'm bored, etc.

I acquired more chicken breasteses from the organic butcher and I've already set them to crock potting. Oh how I loves the one-pot meals. I believe the Germans have a name for such hearty, homestyle, culinary delights. But I'll be damned if I know that word.

Today the sun shone clearly over the lake and a warm breeze wrestled with the fallen leaves. I can't believe it's almost the middle of November and so fucking glorious. Made me get out and run.

I might try to haul my ass to the gym tomorrow and do an upper body workout and spinning. I miss the spinning. I love the weight training, and I'm wondering if I'll get fitter faster if I double my efforts (as in four times a week instead of two). Might be asking too much with my schedule, but we'll see.

It's so disheartening to be working, working, working, and see no real results. Bummer deal. I guess I have to be patient with this thyroid game and just keep doing what I'm doing right. Maybe this is a better approach anyway. No crash dieting, no crazy fitness plans I can't sustain. This has to set me up for life. Cuz this thyroid thing isn't a one-time deal. It will always be with me and I'll always have to fuck with it. Argh.

Oh, the demons. . . .

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