Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A little behind.

Both what I am in posting, and what I want in my life.

Well, I got up early yesterday and hiked up to the new gym location and put in 40 minutes of elliptical excitement, for a grand total of 80 minutes of activity.

I planned to do it all again today, but then I got terribly sick, so I've been sleeping off and on most of the day.

I have actually eaten today though, bad things, o'course, because Dr. P. was still here until late this afternoon. So I had a cupcake for breakfast, a hummus/baba sandwich and fries for lunch, and I've just had dinner of boniato mash and ground lamb leftover from the meat pie prep, and some bacon.

I said it: bacon.

Did you know turkey bacon and regular bacon has the same number of calories per slice?!?! I thought I was saving calories by eating turkey bacon! Turns out I'm only saving fat! Damnit!

Oy. I'm about to hit some more Theraflu and tuck in for the night, in hopes I can sleep this cold off before tomorrow, since I will be working every day for the rest of this week in hopes of earning extra cash for the trip. Oof.

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