Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Take it easy on yourself, will you?!?!

You are upset about maybe missing bootcamp, despite the fact that you will be running 26.whatever miles the following day?


But I know, sometimes we get into the habit of beating ourselves up for the things we can control, when what we want to deal with is something else we can't.

How's that for cryptic? I don't even know what I'm talking about. I just had a sangrusska, and BTW, remind me to give you the recipe for that. To die. Ha!

So I am watching Fit TV, and there's this woman on there getting her final results, and they're going over her measurements. At the start of her program, she was 141 lbs., 34% bodyfat. This made me think of my session with E. yesterday, when I got my measurements, which I won't list here, but I will say this: 1. To the shock of my body-building trainer (but not to me), my calves are only 1/2 inch smaller in circumference than his. I told him they were huge. And that man had me doing calf raises. Hah. He was all, "do you wear heels? If you do, stop." Nope. It's just something about the way I walk. 2. My BMI is 34.2 or something. Which he said was good, because he said it meant I had a lot of muscle mass; I was doubtful, since a BMI that high is really only a good thing for actual bodybuilders; but then when I saw this lady on TV today, who weighed almost 50 lbs. less than me before her fitness plan, it said her 141 lb. body fat percentage was 34%. I am 38% body fat, and outweigh her by nearly 50 lbs. Which means, according to my highly suspect calculations, that E was right, I am built as hell under this fat. It also seems to mean I have less fat to lose than I thought, by about 25 lbs. Yay!

Okay, too buzzed to blog, this is making no sense.


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