Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Per our new resolute fitness plannery

1. I got up Monday morning and put in 65 minutes on the elliptical, 6.45 virtual miles traveled, 1083 calories burned.

2. I had only my special Superfoood/lemon juice/water on the rocks concotion, plus coffee with splenda, for breakfast.

3. Soy cheese pizza pocket for lunch

4. Peanut butter Clif bar for snack

5. And this is where it all goes to Hell. After work and a bunch of cleaning of my apartment, I decided to neither order in nor eat another frozen meal.

I decided to cook. This turned into:
1 entire large chicken breast (hugemongous, maybe 7-9 oz.) cut into strips, battered and fried into chicken fingers
2/3 of a sweet potato worth of sweet potato fries
1/2 ear of corn
a bunch of steamed green beans

While half of my dinner was good dietin', the other half was not. But it was all really pretty and colorful. Meep.

Oof. Must...control...self.... Tuesday, training with E. and a better diet. *eyeroll*

You battered and fried something on a whim!?!?
What, you don't? I make 20 ingredient soups on a whim, man!
PB&J sandwiches are about as much as I can muster without days of planning and research.
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