Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Welp. Nothing going on here, you see. I am in one of my more adherent phases, in which I actually eat and exercise more or less the way I am supposed to. It does seem to be working. This morning I found myself down 3 lbs from my last week, but that's possibly also just a factor of good weather and the end of my period.


We'll see if I can drop anudder two or three this week.

So far I've been doing 45 minute-hour long cardio workouts four days per week, plus training with E. on two of those days, and occasionally, veryvery occasionally, getting in a resistance session on my ownsome. But that's damned rare. It seems like my body is quite happy doing two days of that instead of 3 each week.

I am actually also keeping a food journal now, as I have been instructed by the taskmaster. Funny, I don't know if the journal is keeping me on track or if my eating jsut isn't all that bad because I feel like being good lately. Who knows.

And them Clif Z bars--the ones for kids--are durn good snackin'. Perfect size for either a pre-workout meal or post-workout snack. And only 120 calories. You should get some, lady!

I dunno, maybe it's San Fran, maybe it's a phase, maybe it's just an attitude shift that's been a long-time comin', but I actually feel pretty committed to this whole weightloss thing now. I believe it could also have something to do with actually starting to look the way I thought I should when I was getting on the scale with the artificially low numbers. Now the numbers are right and I'm closer to where I want to be and it looks right.

Also, I fucking refuse to buy new jeans, and the last pair I have now that I love is on its last legs, so to speak. Any day now, they're just going to give up. So I'd better be fully back in those other puppies by then!

That is all. How you?

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