Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Not much. How's that for a seductive header?

I don't even know what to do with myself. I've finished the tasks I set forth for myself today. I can't remember when I last did such a thing. I mean there's plenty I could move onto--more to come tomorrow and the next day and next week, etc. but I can also do it later. Damn.

But fitness. I haven't participated this week so far. Monday was nuts with my nose buried in Nietzsche and Foucault for the presentation and today I woke up at friggin' 4:30 just to get my grading and class prep done for 8:30. I need a damn nap. But I have a 4 p.m. meeting with important faculty and administrators. So. Good thing I wore a deep v-neck sleeveless top today. Damn. Some days there's just no preparing.

But I'll be seeing TTT tomorrow and Friday and the marathon on Sunday. I might have to skip booty camp Saturday, even though I hate to miss it. We'll see.

I've been doing pretty well with the old eating. Honestly, I haven't even looked at TTT's meal plan for me. I've just been quitting eating by 7, sometimes earlier; eating an eggs, toast and coffee breakie; and trying to get enough veggies, fiber and water in between. So far so good. I'm not weighing myself, but I feel good and my clothes seem to be fitting more generously, so I am a happy chile.

Well feck. That's all I've got on the fit and fabulous front. Not feeling fabulous, because I'm tired, hungry, developing a lip zit, and there's a lady smoking near me at this outdoor cafe. Stank. And my nose is still stuffed up. I need some decongestant and lunch. I'm off.

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