Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I'm still carbo-loading. I don't know if I can begin a diet countdown to SF in earnest until some of this post-marathon pain goes away.

Actually, I'm more than carbo-loading. I bought a big ol' hunk o' beef, roasted it, salted it, and ate it thinly sliced and still slightly bleeding on whole wheat bread with avocado, tomato and red onion. I don't know that there is a more delicious thing to put in one's mouth. I must be fixin' to start my period.

I also cooked a nice french green bean and tomato salad with balsamic vinagrette and my favorite crotch pot dish: tequila lime chicken. I've eaten some of all that today.

I'll be back with TTT next week, but I'm taking this week off. I'm hoping that between the chiropractor today and the massage therapist Friday, I'll be healed. Something is seriously wrong with my left foot/ankle, though. Maybe Dr. R will do an x-ray today. Harumph.

I cancelled class again today. I just need the time to recover. And I haven't cancelled class in my 2.5 years of teaching, so I won't hold my breath for someone to sue me. Damn. A girl's got to take care of her own self.

I like your determination, lady, and I'm telling you--too-tight pants are the best motivators. Hang them up somewheres you can see 'em every day. I never did get myself into my motivation pants properly. I mean, they fit, and I've worn them in public, but I probably shouldn't have. Damn.

I'd say I'm shooting for a pound a week, for a total of 6 pounds lost, but I swore off the scale and I'm sticking to it. I'll have TTT measure me at the end of this group of sessions and see. I'm planning on drinking at least a gallon of water a day, eating plenty o' veggies and way fewer refined carbs, breakfast always and nothing after 7:30 at night. Then working out best I can--at least 4 days a week--as soon as my foot works again.

I'm not sure that qualifies as determination, but damn. I'm happy to cut myself a little slack.

* * *

Okay, so that was yesterday's post that I couldn't publish for some reason or another.

Today I am suffering from carbo-bloat, and I am calling a moratorium on carbo-loading until the next marathon, which hopefully will be never.

I am feeling so lousy from the french toast bagels, the oatmeal cookie, the bbq potato chips and the macaroni and cheese I ate today, that I discovered new resolve in the dieting to SF countdown we're doing together. That, and I caught a glimpse of those marathon photos, particularly the post-finish line one when I was too tired to suck in my gut. All on the internets for everyone to see. The only thing to do is set that gut free by cutting down on the aforementioned foods and their group. Poop.

My foot still hurts, and no exercise for me. Hopefully that'll change, too.

Okay, I'm tired. What's the latest with you?

you do indeed sound motivated! and like you've got a solid plan. and as for those pictures, my dear, if you're referring to the ones in which you stand, triumphant, with that medal around your neck for all the world to see what you've accomplished--if you see anything but determination, beauty, and some well deserved exhaustion in it, you crazy.

So there.
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