Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Loving concern and catching up.

I guess this is the point where we remind each other to act in a kind and loving way toward ourselves as well as each other. I'm glad you found a doc you like. Did she help give you guidance in weight loss? Did she suggest a nutritionist/dietitian (Die! Tit, Ian.)? I'm glad she said cut back on salt and caffeine. Your sometimes caffeine abuse has gotten scary at moments, methinks. And perhaps your recent reintroduction of animal flesh has contributed to the spike in blood pressure? Of course, I think you have a point with the "stressy little life," the rage, the Job, the pay cut . . . shall I continue?

Bottom line: this is officially a new ballgame, and methinks that's exactly what we need. It ain't about beauty. It's about health, first and foremost. Plain and simple. And living a healthy life--physically in terms of diet and exercise, but also emotionally, psychically, spiritually and whatever -allys we can come up with.

Be gentle with yo'self. Please.

And I promise to take my own advice as well.

I've actually had a decent day of it--working my balls off as usual, but taking some time to enjoy living, too. I've decided to make some time every day for a little celebration. Cuz shit. I don't know how I ever lost sight of the fact that I could very well be dead right now. What a rotten alternative. So there. Perspective on a plate.

I'm loving the new bootcamp on Saturday mornings with TTT and Red A, her assisting trainer. They're kick ass and all the asskicking takes place outside, so it's good. I'm reclaiming all the years of P.E. class dread and hell. Just watch me finally do a set of pull ups. I discovered I can do tons of full-out sit ups--something I could hardly do in the 2nd grade even when a fat kid was sitting on my feet to hold 'em down. So there's a triumph.

I haven't run in a week, but I've been hitting the gym 3, sometimes 4 times a week. It has become a kind of midday sanctuary for me. I teach class in the morning with a greasy head, then hit the gym hard with cardio and weights, shower and steam and feel refreshed for the rest of the day (which is long--won't end until 10). Basically I'm working from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. most days. Nuts. But would I really be any better off spending more of those hours watching BBC America?

Perhaps. . . .

So, I quit dieting, but ended up abusing cookies and feeling bloated and lousy, so now I'm trying to be more mindful. But in a way that allows me to eat in the car. Not great, but hell--I'm not going to be sitting down to three squares with crystal glasses and linen napkins every day at the office, in my car, etc. Just ain't gonna happen right now. So, I'm happy with Amy's organic, turkey sandwiches, fruit and energy bars in the meantime. Oh, and I always take time for coffee and irish oats in the morning. I'm feeling better on the food front, but damn if it isn't always a struggle. What would it be like not to struggle with weight? Perhaps that's not the question to be asking. . . .

Anywho, I like the idea of reframing this whole thing to be about nurturing ourselves in ways that lead to health, and all that means; especially since that's obviously one of the big things we're both here to learn this time around.

Have courage! And we're in this together, even if you curse me for saying it. . . .

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