Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Relax a little.

And get a massage while you're at it. That's what I plan to do, and that is what I have decided our mutual journey to fitness and flabulessness calls for.

Single people suffer more than most from lack of touch. Especially if they don't have family nearby and especially if they don't have cuddly pets. It's unhealthy in all sort of ways not to be touched. So go get a massage already.

Also, please avoid all advertising. I find that watching tv makes me depressed and miserable, merely from being exposed to people telling me what to do and how to be. I've never responded well to such demands coming from anybody, but those ads are insidious.

I think I'm entering a new phase of my summer retreat. I'll call it de profundis. I'm coming out of the depths and re-entering the world purely. I may finally be reaching the summer of zen.

This means: exercising like crazy, as usual, but because of how it makes me feel, not because of how it will potentially make me look; eating foods that nourish me because they are delicious and I am hungry (what a concept!); and letting the chips fall where they may. I believe that only good can come from these methods, because they eliminate the violence we've been inflicting on ourselves.

Yes, violence.

Because that's what bingeing, starving, eating weird cardboard shit spread with no calorie, non-spreadable spreads is. It's all about loving ourselves enough to allow ourselves to be who we truly are right now, and not get distracted and jolted from the moments of every day by the false promise of what we might become.

You and I are fit and fabulous right now, darling.

But damn if this journey ain't hard.

Please stop hating yourself. And I will try to do the same. If we can accomplish this and only this, we will be so much closer to a true fitness and flabulessness!

Of course, this might be the hardest thing of all.

That is all.

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