Saturday, August 20, 2005

I miss ya, darlin'

I hope your crazy-long stretch of sequestered work conditions ends soon. Cuz it'd be nice to talk to you again one day soon. And likely even nicer for you to return to the land of the living. Or whatever Manhattan appears to be at the moment.

I feel that I have entered yet another moment of peace, of calm, of clarity. And I am in pain, to boot, so that's saying something.

And I ain't kidding about no more dieting and no more looking for love. I'm on a new kick: Trust. I am trusting my body to tell me what it needs and trusting myself to listen and give it what it needs; and I am trusting the universe to endow me with abundant joy in the form of a magnificent man while at the same time trusting myself to choose him, and choose him for the right reasons.

My new writing teachers are going to kick my ass for this pseudo-spiritual language I seem to have taken on in most of my writing. Whatever. I gotta be what I gotta be, right?

I'm also on a fabulous cooking jag. Yesterday I created all sorts of marvelous salads. Today I made a white bean dip reminiscent of hummus but made of cannelini instead of garbanzos; eggplant caviar--made from roasted eggplant, pine nuts, lemon juice, parsley, capers, olive oil, sherry vinegar and salt and pepper--to. die. for.; and luscious tortilla soup. I'm officially back into soup.

I am rediscovering the joy of food. No more crazy control and fear of the dang stuff that gives me so much pleasure to prepare, present and eat. I feel like I've turned a corner on this one. But then again, you know what happens as soon as I make a proclamation: SLAM! Back into the land of the lost and confused. I do feel something of a shift, though.

I wish you could somehow taste all of the things I've created in my little kitchen. So fun!

Play is good. I'm hoping to rediscover the fun and playfulness in running soon, too. I've been on hiatus, but I'm looking forward to getting back into it. We'll see what my body says. . . .

So, I hope to hear from you soon about how you are, and I hope it's not devastatingly bad. Cuz I can't stand to see you in such a situation any longer. I hope you're taking good care of yourself!

Lots of love to you!!

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