Monday, August 29, 2005

I didn't say shit about healthy choices.

I simply declared myself fit and flabuless.

Declarations rarely have any merit behind them, I've found; especially self declarations.

Case in point: today I made a package of slice and bake turtle cookies, 12 in total. Four went down the hatch. 180 calories a piece. This was after eating three of my nine chicken enchiladas I'd prepared for the week. And a good bunch of those sugary almonds I love more than life. Okay, not really, but you know what I mean.

Then I was really, really thirsty. I drank some water and took a friggin' nap. This was at 2ish. I finally dragged my ass out of bed at 4 and hauled it to the gym for a half-hour of weights and an hour of spinning. Mildly redemptive.

I still haven't eaten anything since the cookies. I put the rest of them in the freezer. Why am I such a cookie monster? My theory is I was forbidden from eating sweets as a child; now I'm making up for it.

But I ain't proud.

I ain't hating myself, neither. And that is a triumph.

I'll just eat me a pile o' veggies tomorrow and call it even. Plus I'm planning a return to running first thing in the a.m. I better get my rest. . . .

Where the hell have you been today?

By the way, having leapt off the wagon doesn't preclude you from leaping back on if you so desire. Have a nice salad. You'll feel better. And a good motivator I've found is to visualize yourself on the dancefloor in San Francisco. What are you wearing, how do you feel? It comes down to how we treat ourselves now . . . and forever.

Better lay off the cookies for me, and the koolaid for you. I see green vegetables in our near future. . . .

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