Friday, July 22, 2005

Sore inner thighs

. . . really feels like an accomplishment, doesn't it. Problem is, I don't know which dang thing I did caused it. Poop. TTT can't figure it out, either.

Nuts. I love them too much. Almonds, cashews, peanuts. Not such a fan of macadamias. For once I pick the expensive ones to dislike. But these delicious little buggers are a part of my daily diet these days, which is good--except sometimes I eat more than I'm supposed to. Take today, for example. I was throwing handfuls down my throat with lunch. I don't know if this is what the marathon books say is a normal increase in appetite, or just me eating too many delicious nuts. Nuts!

Had a good session with TTT today. She had me do this crazy ab thing where I had to jump up and grab these handles, hang there facing the wall, then lift my knees up so high that I was pointing my ass at the wall. I don't know whether or not this description gives you an accurate visual, but you get the idea of how bizzarely complex and difficult this move was for me. Sheesh. But I'm happy to do whatever will get me ripped. Ripped!

I also overheard a group of people in the cardio room (as I was doing my 45 minutes on the ARC) talking about doing the Chicago marathon. One was a chubby little goth looking girl. It made me so happy. Maybe she'll be at the group run tomorrow. I heard her say she was doing 16 tomorrow. It's nice to know there is a community of people nearby who are as crazy as I am.

How the hell are you, dahlink? I tried calling you several times earlier, but the call wouldn't go through. Poop. Call me, okay?

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