Friday, July 08, 2005

Sore as well

Yeah, I'm sore most of the time, too. I like it though, it's the only thing that lets me know anything is happening, considering I have only lost like 2 pounds, yeesh.

I bought a bunch of them there protein bars that are like, a crazy 330 calories, and this is what I have learned.

a) I couldn't eat more than half at a time if I tried, 'cause those suckers are twice as big and twice as sweet as goddamned candy bars, and there is no workout I'll ever do that I'll need a whole one of those for.
b) Those damned Myoplex bars are $2.35 each, so I won't be buying any more of them, anyway.
c) I am the flakiest heffa in the world, since I got to the Vitamin Shoppe and couldn't remember if he said Myoplex, Promax, Mesotech or Met-Rx, or if you said plain Spirutein, berry Spirutein, etc. etc.

I have to get to the gym now, since I won't make it over the weekend, for obvious reasons. I talked to Carlos last night, who has said he is no longer moving here, so I won't need to to any scouting, and that you guys will hang out, which I endorsed enthusiastically, as well as suggesting he swing by if you make it in a few weeks. Also, that you two have to have extra fun for me this weekend, since I will be stuck in a soul-sucking vortex.


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