Saturday, July 16, 2005


is the key to success in anything. I have decided this. And no, I am not under the influence of any "life coach" or $12.95 self-help paperback.

I think mental preparation is important for my runs. Perhaps equally important is my drinking a gallon of water per day and having the right foods on hand and grocery shopping on a full stomach with a detailed list. Cuz everday things are more likely than not to derail you. This I know.

And yes, I know you are premenstrual and eating buffalo wings from Domino's of all Godforsaken places perhaps as I write this. But I'm just saying. Perhpas if you make yourself eat more better stuff earlier in the day and your body will thank you for it. Even if it's old mixed nuts, if you listen to Carlos.

Or just chalk it up to your Aunt Flo coming for a visit, forgive yourself, and never, never say you blew it. Cuz then you give yourself permission to eat more fried, oil-laced, sweety delicious monstrosities and you're sunk and sad and set-back. We don't want that, do we? Those 12 pounds have found a new home elsewhere--let them be, I say!

But then again, do what you want. I could just be all self-righteous and terribly irritating. Always know, though . . . I'm doing it for our fit+flabuless team!

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