Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy 4th/ediet day 2

So I'm just gonna keep on like a crazed lunatic until you stop me with your own postings.

Today I returned to running after a several week hiatus. My ipod pooped out on me twice, so I went home, took it out of the armband, ran with it and everything was fine, thank god. I'm finding it damn near impossible to run without my tunes anymore, spoiled child that I am. After the good run, I got in my swimming togs and jumped in the lake. Yay!

My ediet breakfast today was an amazing platter of cottage cheese with raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe and 5 macadamia nuts. Delicious. And it was so huge that I was stuffed. Crazy.

I cleaned the house a little today in preparation for my mama's coming over for lunch. That was good. I so need deadlines to get any damn thing done, I swear.

I strayed from the ediets lunch of shrimpy mayo salad on pita with a big salad. Improvisation on day two. Shit. But it turned out for the delicious best. I made a chinesy shrimp salad with a bag of coleslaw, a red pepper, 8 oz of shrimp in a homemade dressing of soy sauce, red wine vinegar, hoisin, sesame oil, ginger, garlic and sriracha. Accompanied by a salad of watermelon and cucumbers dressed in mint, salt, pepper and lime. So good!

couple hours later I had a slice of fruit pie my mama made, but I avoided the crust and had a hunk of lowfat cheese for protein. I counted that as my afternoon snack.

For dindin I et a big friggin green salad with balsamic vinegar and an open-faced blt on one slice of lowcal wheat made with your favorite: turkey bacon, and a smattering of avocado, tomato slices and melted lowfat cheddar (my new fave--beats the hell out of that fat free wrapped in plastic shit).

I've also had my late-night snack of the little leftover salads from lunch. YUM!

I am a happy girl and I highly recommend ediets based on my two days, one of which was improv.

Tomorrow I return to Tracy at 11:15, but I think I'll run first thing in the morning. I'm started to feel like I should run the marathon in San Francisco in October. I need to get to training. I better go scare up my marathon-training book.

I hope you're well, dahlink. Talk soon?

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