Sunday, July 03, 2005

ediet day 1

I love my new ediet life.

Today I spent $109 at Meijer gathering the goods for my first week. Seemed kind of steep, but I did get some big-ticket items such as fancy nuts, chicken and turkey breast, turkey bacon, nova lox and crab.

I also followed the menu for today and am quite pleased with myself. I was neither famished nor hating what I was eating at any point. In fact, eating all freshly prepared things felt downright virtuous. I even managed to drink plenty of water. Hooray for me! I think this will help break me of my neurotic desire to eat dessert after I put anything in my mouth. Dang.

So this was the menu:

breakie: 4 egg white omelette with chopped tomato and fat free cheese, 2 ggs (they said 1/2 piece of toast) with 1/3 T peanut butter, nectarine

lunch: grilled turkey breast, sweet potato with cinnamon, spinach salad with strawberries, walnuts and balsamic vinegar

p.m. snack: turkey and cheese lettuce roll up

dinner: grilled tilapia with lemon and olive oil on a whole wheat bun (you guessed it--I had two ggs instead), green salad with vinaigrette, grapefruit

late snack: 3 olives, 3 cherry tomatoes, 1 oz nova chopped, mixed and topped on 2 ggs (ediets said rice cake, but I'll be damned if I'm buying rice cakes)

So there you have it. They say the diet is 1200-1300 calories a day, and that's what I need to lose the poundage. I told them I am very active, 160 lbs with a goal weight of 130 lbs. That seemed reasonable to them. My BMI still hovers near the "obese" range--at 28 I'm firmly planted in the "overweight" category. The aim is to fall somewhere between 20 and 25, hopefully closer to 20 so I can get that ripped look. Can you imagine?

Anywho, it must be obvious that I am all excited about my new dieting strategy. I tend to be very excited at the beginning of things, but I think this might be a good solution to my curazy eating lately. And now is a good time to do it for me, because I have the time to do all the prep work for the meals. I can always reset my preferences and say I'm too busy to cook; then they'll give me more packaged food and fast-food options. But that doesn't seem tempting right now. I'm enjoying the variety, especially after way too many fiber crackers. The spinach salad with strawberries, balsamic vin and walnuts was particularly tasty and something I would have never come up with on my own. So I'm liking this.

It's around $12 a month and you can't cancel until after 3 months without paying a $25 charge. Even still, if it works, it'll easily be a good investment. I guess I just want the structure--to just try it out faithfully and see if it works. It's kind of like a science experiment on myself. Mwahaha.

What's new witchoo? How's Pop?

And one final fit and flabuless note: if you continue on your omnivorous path, I highly recommend you get yourself a little George Foreman grill if you don't already have one. I did my turkey and fish on it--so handy! so healthy! so delicious!

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