Tuesday, June 21, 2005


do the three-day LA Weight Loss rapid jump start plan and you'll be good to go. Here's what you do, and remember it's for three days only.

Eat as much lean protein as you want, including 2 eggs per day, white fish, tuna, shrimp, chicken breast.

You can cook your eggs in butter, but no other dairy at all.

All the non-starchy greens and veggies you can guzzle.

2 oranges per day.

2 coffees or other beverages with fake sweetener (but no dairy) allowed.

No alcohol, of course, silly.

This will get you back on track, and you'll probably lose 5-7 pounds. Make sure to drink several gutloads of water while yer at it. Let me know when you do it; I'll do it with you.

I rode my bike from home down Portage Road to the Gazette. I barely nearly got killed once, but I made it. At the Gazette, two of my editors took me for a "walk" to let me know one of their guys is leaving and THEY WANT ME FULL TIME.

Off to dance class and then riding back home.

That is all. Need to process. . . .

Talk later?

YAAAAAAY! Do you want to be full time? Is it worth it? That would be so spankdiddlyastic! Ohman. Process away, lady.

I think I will try this jumpstart of yours today. I have the two eggs here at home already, and can have them for breakfast. Then, after workout, I can go shopping for the other things. That would go...wednesday, thursday and friday. Not bad, I think. Think it'll work? Also, why three days only? Or is that supposed to be the good part? I think I'll be getting my period shortly, too, so that's always a pain in the arse.

Call you this afternoon to chatty?
I'm not sure what I want, but it sure is nice to be recognized and appreciated. . . .

Three days only because it is crazy hard to do longer than that plus it would fuck with your potassium levels and shit like that. It's just a good reentry into a longer term, balanced diet diet.

Tracy kicked my arse today, because I asked her to. We went 45 minutes instead of our usual 30. Dang. I am getting hard core into the summery summer exercise and living right. This keeps me from buying a bottle of Maker's Mark and drinking whiskey smash all night long. And watching Pierce Brosnan and Salma Hayak in AFter the SUnset. Beautiful people inspire me. Or they did yesterday, at least.

Tracy gave me a delicious new way to eat egg white omelettes. She called it a pancake, sans flour. Basically you make an egg white omelette without salt and pepper and eat it with splenda, cinnamon and a few squirts of butter spray. I just ate one and it was YUM! I followed it with a glass of skim milk and some watermelon and I am happy. Although I was ready for a nap after my workout this morning.

In light of my training and dancing and running and swimming (twice yesterday!) and biking everywhere I possibly can (I think I put 20 miles on yesterday), I have decided to exercise in the morning and in the evening. That worked really well for Oprah once.

I've also decided to stop eating peanuts in all their various forms; Tracy told me something in them blocks thyroid hormone. And I love the stuff too much, anyway.

Chat soon, dahlink!
you inspire me
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