Sunday, June 19, 2005

Rescue yo'sef

before the bastards grind you completely into the ground. Harsh, I know, but if you were dating someone as abusive as your employers, I would not tolerate it, dig? So, why are you? yes, you get something out of it, but is it a fair trade off, really? If you were dating a heathen who was great in the sack and put a roof over your head yet he berated you in front of your friends and occasionally raped you, would it be a good situation to stay in?

Okay, that's all on that front for now, but please take care of yourself better. Choosing to stay in a fucking miserable situation does not make your life good, nor does it improve the human condition, two things we all should be working toward, individually and collectively. So there. Not to get all preachy on your ass, but somebody's got to do it! Harumph.

SO,to the fitness. Giselle was marvelous and felt like a new beginning. Thank you so much for being a part of it, for always cheering me on (the previous two paragraphs were a twisted cheering you on from me, by the way, although I'll admit hand delivered bouquets and well-wishes are a much kinder approach, thank you!), and for being such a mahvelous, loyal friend. I'm wearing pink and a pretty skirt today to mark my new beginning.

I've also figured out that I really need to buy fewer groceries. Summers are lean for me in terms of paychecks, cuz I don't get paid for my teaching over the summer. I spend way too much on food, anyway. I drank a fruity protein shake just now--with soy powder, superfood and kefir plus a few frozen cherries. Delish. And I've got enough stuff to make those shakes damn near all summer. Sounds like a new breakfast for a while. . . . Plus I've about had it up to here with egg white omelettes. After eating two of them at 2 a.m., I need to call it quits for a while. I need to branch out and eat some of the foods I have on hand. You've seen my pantry and fridge/freezer. Crazy! I'm like a Jewish mother or something. Goddamn.

Back to running soon. This evening, perhaps. And I'd like to return to spinning at 6 a.m. tomorrow. We'll see how well that goes. . . .

Alright. I have to go do an interview and then give myself a pedicure, go to TJMaxx for fun, have a bite with my mama and write two stories, read the TImes and the Gazette and maybe a little light cleaning. I've already had my coffee, watched SUnday Morning and Face the Nation, called my daddy, done my ironing and gotten myself dressed. Why do I always feel like I'm behind, when really I accomplish quite a lot? This will be part of my meditation during the Summer of Zen. I might actually start a blog with a similar title. . . . inspired by you, sweetness.

A final ass-kicking note: Until you haul your ass out of misery and find a better way to get paid to spend your time, please try to find something good in every day. Resist getting sucked into the mire, unless getting totally submerged will finally force you to make a change for the better. I love you. That's why I'm kicking your ass, dahlink. . . .

I loved that beginning. It was, in a way, hilarious. When you put anything that way, who can argue? Yeesh. In a good way.

Now I crave a smoothie, and a chat. Bugger. Won't be getting either until late tomorrow night at the earliest, but your words are appreciated.

Talk soon, chickie, enjoy your good day, and rest, fergahdsakes, you've already crammed in an ass of stuff.
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