Friday, June 17, 2005

How's the fitness wagon?

and where the heck are you? In Philly?

I hope you're not finding it too hard to get back on the wagon, although when surrounded by family it seems near impossible for me. Good luck!

Tech week has gone well--long evening rehearsals and days spend gardening keep me happy. I also saw Tracy twice this week--God bless her! Wednesday the temperature dropped 25 degrees and it was grey and dreary out. I did not want to haul my ass out of bed at 8 a.m. to meet Tracy. I ached all over. Come to find out, I started my period that day, which explains a lot. She told me those are the days where she really pays off. And it's true! Post Bluesfestery, Tracy has been a godsend. I'd still be scouring the city for good ribs every day if I didn't have Tracy on my schedule.

And I think my breasts have shrunk. Which has to mean something else is shrinking if not about to shrink, so that has to be good, but I fear that I've approached an age where shrinking belly and thighs is a near impossibility; I'll simply lose my tits. How tragic would that be? Fear not. I'l simply hit the weights harder--that has to help, right?

I also know that my eating absolutely has to change if I want to transform my body. With the late night rehearsals, I've been eating at 4:30 or 5 before we start and then at 10 or 10:30 when I get home. Then I crash. That can't be good. So, last night I ate more than usual at 4:30 and then nothing but water after rehearsal and felt proud. THen I woke up at 3 a.m. hungry as a bear. I did not arise and go to the kitchen, mind you. It's hard not eating late at night, but I think it might be a key to fitness and flabulessness. I'm also back on the GGs, fruit and veggies (love that low-fat coleslaw in the heat!), Amy's for lunch and egg white omelettes (I've discovered topping them with fat-free cheese, salsa and sour cream makes a delectable Tex-Mex morning feast. Yummmmm! I'll admit to a beer on Monday night, a stop at DQ on Wednesday night for a dipped cone (period chocolate cravings needed satiating) and the odd piece of chocolate dipped in peanut butter (drool), but for the most part I'm feeling like I'm back on the wagon. Although I've stopped running this week to avoid risking injury before the performance. I think I'll do pilates and core secrets later today.

Anywho, I hope you're well, darlin' and let's talk soon, okay?

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