Friday, June 03, 2005

How about

we commit to putting $20 per lost pound toward the vacation fund? Retroactively. Would that be a motivator or a detractor? That would mean I have $100 in the fund, and will have another $400 by the time I hit 140. I don't know how far, how low I'll actually go, and it's amazing how quickly and easily I've released the idea of 115 or whatever. (I suppose my intense love of cake has had an effect). I'll be happy to dip below 150 and then on to 140, and I suspect I'll be very happy with myself at that point. I have to be honest about my build as well as how I want to look. I like muscles, I like curves, and I'm happy to realize that I have a body with both. I don't know if I'm making any sense--I'm distracted by Nicole Kidman on Oprah at the moment, who just happens to be tall, thin and gorgeous in fancy gowns. But you know what? I'm really starting to be present in myself, as Pam would say, which means I like who and what I am and the life I'm living. Yes, I'd like my sweaty thighs not to rub together and the dimply fat on my thighs and belly to go away and my ass to be a little less flat, but I have no desire to be Nicole Kidman (actually, she's not the best example, cuz I never really cared for her anyway) or anyone else.

What can I say? I'm down with the Buddha these days.

But I would like a summer fling or at least someone to be with, to truly be with, but I have gathered Nicole Kidman struggles with that one, too.

As for you and all your gym-whoring, good for you! Be careful with yourself that you don't burn out, though. You gotsa feel good sometime, but then again, I guess that's what Chicago is for!! And make sure you're drinking enough water. I haven't been drinking enough water, and that always leads to bingeing for me. Somehow I can't differentiate hunger from thirst, so I do better just drinking constantly. At least a gallon a day is what I'm aiming for now. Do you drink bottled water or tap water? I just filled 7 gallons at the Culligan spigot (is that how you spell that word? I've never spelled it before), doging some kid's puke. I was determined, man.

Today I ate an egg-white omelette with fat free cheese at 10 with coffee and soy creamer and WF choc sauce, an Amy's lasagne at 1, a yogurt with all-bran at 2:30, and now I might be having another egg-white omelette with my broken eggs. Okay, so I just had the egg white omelette with a sliced cucumber dipped in fat free honey mustard dressing. Good. Amelia called and wants to take me for dinner for helping her meet the manuscript deadline. How could I refuse? The question is: do I go for a run or take a nap beforehand? It's a question I often ask myself these days, I find.

Good talking to you today. I hope your working has been bearable.

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