Thursday, June 02, 2005

Hooray for you

and your seven pounds down. Hot damn. Do they have one of those five-pound plastic lumps of fat at your gym, so you can look at how amazing it actually is that you have managed to eliminate even more than that from your body? A. mazing. Yay for you!!

And I think it's just fine that you're keeping Frank around, especially if he's giving you a discount and especially if he decides to show up. Don't forget it's you doing the work, though. He gets a minimum of credit in my book.

I'm sitting at the little coffee shop right now after having dined on chicken pecan salad and a turkey sandwich. I am so off the 10-day turbo charge diet. I need some recovery time after that wedding and my sickness. I didn't run today, cuz I was feeling like ass, but I'm going to ballet tonight and Tracy has a "lunge" session planned for us tomorrow. It's the one she did last week that left her so sore she could hardly demonstrate some of the movements last week. Goody. Actually, I really do love it--feeling sore feels like an accomplishment. We had a trainer-in-training follow our session on Wednesday and Tracy kept telling her what good form I have and how hard she can push me. "She's a machine," Tracy said. I never knew such a compliment! Anywho, I'm hooked, and I've decided I'm going to keep up the training throughout the summer. It's an investment in my health, my future, no? I think I'll keep it at twice a week until I hit 140. That seems like a plan. The scale was up three pounds on wednesday, but after the weekend I had and the fact that I'd had breakfast and coffee before the weigh-in, I don't even count it as a gain. Oh, the games we play with ourselves.

Well, I'd better get to work. A asked me to proofread parts of her book manuscript--it has to be at the printer's in Oklahoma tomorrow and she called me in a panic this morning. Of course, I'm always willing to help a friend about to miss a deadline. The Golden Rule, no? Although I've come up with an improvement on the golden rule, because you can treat others the way you want to be treated, but they can still treat you like shit. So, the variation I've come up with steals a little from Oscar Wilde. We need to think instead about the record of our own souls as we live this life, because in the end it never lies.

Keep up the good work!

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