Friday, June 03, 2005

Dude, feel the love.

Love ya back! I can't wait until next week. I think it's time, good and proper, for us to cut loose for a bit, no? And we always have the best time, even when the time is spent griping about all the rest of our lives. I am one lucky gal to have found a friend in you. I got your card and it was the sweetest thing. It made me cry a leetle. You're the best!

Six days and counting...oh I am so happy. Yay, vacation! I keep meaning to call you early but I have been gym whoring so much this week.

How are you feeling? By the time you read this you'll have done the lunge workout with Tracy, yes? Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. You are a brave woman. Machine. Woman. Go you! It sounds like you and Tracy work well together, which is so important. You will soon reach your goals, I know.

Speaking of which, have you started your vacation fund? I have not, which is bad.!

I hurt all over again. Frank threw in some new stuff this week that was somehow hugely more challenging than what I was doing before. But the soreness is good, as you say. Between abusing the shit out of my muscles, cardio, and calorie restriction, I find I am very tired lately. Like now, I am ready to go to sleep, even though I just had coffee a few hours ago. I'm tempted to fight it, but perhaps I should just give in to the sleep. I hit the gym twice today, because I worked and didn't have enough time to do strength and cardio in one session this afternoon. Maybe my body is saying "Bitch, I need some time to repair. Get your ass in bed and go the hell to sleep." I imagine my body is skraight ghetto like that, you know.

Anyhoo, lastly, lest there be any doubt about the lengths to which my subconscious mind will go to keep me tubberific, the last two nights I have had ridiculous sweet cravings that have led to me eating strawberries topped with delicious Silk soy french vanilla creamer. Ridiculous, I say. Who does shit like that but me? *eyeroll at myself*

Hope you are feeling fabulous, dahlink! Don't beat yourself up over the weekend. If you made yourself follow that diet to the letter all the time, you'd be totally off it in no time. As the lurvely J. Depp said of the piratey...piratical...piratific code/rules in that classic filum Pirates of the Caribbean, "I see them more as...guidelines." And if it makes you feel any better, this weekend while I was in Philly I had a whole cheesesteak, a large bag of Herrs ripple chips, cheesefries and some honeybaked ham in, like, 16 hours. The shame. The shame! I just tried to be really good the rest of this week. Mostly, it worked. Just try to be good most of the time. As in life, so with diets. Or something like that.

Talk soon?

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