Monday, June 27, 2005


Hey, where you at, lady?

It's still hot here. I just filed a story, which means, of course, that I ate until I sat my ass down and wrote the friggin piece about a guy from Colon, Mich. who got a collection of short stories published and is coming back to Colon for a reading and to sell books to all the suckers "who knew him when."

This cost me: half a package of bran crackers topped with an entire package of honey-roasted turkey (too delicious, especially when combined with avocado and/or light laughing cows), cole slaw, two (I broke my one-a-day rule) Klondike ice cream bars, a mango and a quarter of a cantaloupe. Okay, so now that I've written it down, it's not nearly as bad as these deadline binges have been in the past. Still, the goal is to eliminate such useless, mindless eating. Sheesh.

I keep telling myself I won't eat for the rest of the day and I'll get lots of exercise and go to the gym this afternoon for spinning and an ab class and yoga, but really all i want to do is lay around and maybe go to the movies to sit in the air conditioning for a while. I guess I could skip the gym, swim and try not to eat anything except a salad with some tuna or shrimp for an early dinner. I find I feel so much better when I don't eat several hours before bed. I wake up in the morning not hating myself that way. Always a plus.

and this morning I woke up at the ass crack for an 8 a.m. pap appointment. Joy! Actually, my doctor was pretty funny telling hellish stories about her friend's wedding yesterday. Easy-peasy. Then I went to the office and took care of a couple of things, then stopped at the post office to mail the bills which will empty my checking account entirely, then I came home and ate myself into oblivion, finished watching a lousy movie called "Passionada" and wrote my story. Now I'm finishing Days of Our Lives and wishing you would blog.


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