Thursday, May 19, 2005

stallin' on cruisin'

So, I'm avoiding writing my silly "cruisin" to the beach story and rereading our bloggyblog, and I'm so glad we're doing this! It really is such a good motivator for me to work out and eat good things so I can report it back to you! Hooray and thank you for coming up with the idear and setting up the blog.

I will begin ballet in 35 minutes, and that'll be an hour of barre and another 1/2 hour of rehearsing, and that is enough exercise for today. Tomorrow I'll be hitting the gym with Tracy the trainer and then doing my own cardio (btw I only ever do 1/2 hour following my 1/2 hour with Tracy, so when you say you ONLY did 45 min. of cardio I think, HUH?), so I don't mind having a lightish day. Plus I'm doing the race on Saturday. . . .

Anywho, this is what I've eaten today:

10 am creamy coffee, 1 egg, 2 whites omelette with mushrooms and fat free cheese, 1/4 cantaloupe

12 luna bar

2 taste of a choc. truffle and a Clif bar

2:30 skim latte

4 2 ggs with laughing cow and ham, apple, yogurt

And plenty o' water

After ballet I'll have to write the mofo story and then I think I'll stop at Meijer and get more eggplant and zucchini for my delicious dish--that shit is like crack, I swear, but legal (even calorically speaking. . . . ).

I hope you've recovered a bit from your mad workout today--getting clean and eating helps. Just remember when you're feeling super sore, it means you're building beautiful muscles and all your hard work is paying off. . . .

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