Monday, May 23, 2005

Runnin', I got my chips cashed in. . . .

Er, no, that's truckin', isn't it?

I woke up to this beautiful morning and decided no gym. Can't do it. So, I did my 20 minute core secrets dvd and then went for a 45minute run. It's so nice to be outside on a glorious day!!

Did you get out yesterday?

I ate my way through last night. Not great, but not too bad either. I need to be firmer with myself about the no eating in front of the tv rule. I'm officially reinstating that rule starting right now.

After my run I had 1/2 a cantaloupe with cottage cheese and three cups of coffee with skim milk. Oh and lots of water. Then my belly felt sooooo full it was terrible. Liquids are good for that. I just had a luna bar at it was soooo tasty. Dangerous, I tell you. Now I have to write a preview (based on the interview yesterday) and try to do it without eating everything in the house. In fact, I will not eat a thing until I get the preview written.


I'm getting burnt out on all my work. I keep telling myself I'm working hard to build something here; I'm young, I got nothing else going on, so why not? But I've figured out why not: because I'm fucking burnt out, man. And slacking. The work is never done and even though I know rationally I am incredibly productive, I always feel like I'm two steps behind and slacking like crazy. It's a terrible way to live. I started fantasizing about moving to Europe this morning, where the pace is much better, I imagine. I feel like a casualty of our culture. Fuck it. I can only imagine how you feel living in Manhattan--where the pressure is 2,000fold what it is here in the 'zoo.

But, we can only do what we can do, and I'm proud of myself for consistently putting my fitness first. I have a shitload to do today, but I wouldn't do anything until I'd done my exercise, breakfast and luxurious bath. I like feeling human before I begin any tasks, don't you?

Let's chat later, dahlink, and would you please write something? I miss your wit!

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