Thursday, May 05, 2005

Par-tay like it's thurs-day

I feel more human again now that all 6 (count 'em, 6) stories are finally fucking filed and I got my ass back to ballet and even squeezed in a session with Pamela, Kalamazoo's own Buddha. We've decided there's a shift in plate techtonics occurring in the ground beneath my feet, and that's probably for the better. If she says so, then I buy it.

I hope yer having fun on your day off. I hope you are actually having a day off. . . .

I did not eat like a madwoman today, so my hat's off to myself (baby steps, baby steps). I finally got a hold of Tracy the trainer and scheduled an appointment for Wednesday morning (hooray!). Let the ass-kicking begin.

Glad it's not tonight, though. Cuz I'm tired. And hungry. Been a while since I've felt hungry. That must be a good sign.

Oh. I also registered for three classes in the fall, and I'm excited. Although I'm guessing something's got to give: taking 3 classes, teaching two, and runnning an academic resource center, not to mention Gazette writing and ballet dancing. Harumph. The possibility of being a full time student is mighty enticing yet awfully frightening at the same time. What to do, what to do?

But the best part is I've signed up for a fiction writing workshop with Stu Dybeck, Tracy Kidder's best friend. ha. who says you can't name drop in kalamazoo?

Woooooohooooooo! Fiction writing! I tried to post last night and my dang innanets cut off, so I didn't. But I'll try to get some good posties in tonight. I ain't got no time to work out today, but I spent a good long time at the gym yestiddy. And I'm starting swim lessons next week, god help me. Meh.

Having a good Friday? I hope so! Talk to ya sooooon! Just read the NYT style mag article with "Mr. Brown," LOL. He's a good egg, that one, methinks. I hope he's much happier in his newfound freedom. He can do more Coach Peaches, ha! And then maybe we can go when you come to town.

Also, I find myself in dire need of obligation-free layaboutery on foreign shores this morning. I hate when I get this way, but my desire to run is so sharp, so hard and tangible I can feel it, poke at it. Sigh.

I need to make a travelling life work, M. And I need to do it before I lose all sense of myself and what I want, dammit, because right now I swear I'm staring down forty years of work and obligation and bills and being tied down to a way of life I don't even want for no good reason and I'm not even married or child-saddled yet! Argh!
Jesus Christ almighty, lady! If you're looking down the barrel of your life and seeing yourself blown to bits before you see the eyes at the other end, I think it's time the times are a changin' for you. No wonder you wanna run. Running was always my best defense mechanism until I decided that I might be faced with the fact that life may get no better than it is at the very moment unless I do something about it. I happened to be a miserable student in Kalamazoo, missing Ireland. So, I decided I had to create a good life for myself in kalamazoo--because if I could love life here I could love life anwhere (it all goes back to the self, you know.). Damned if I'm not here for a good while now. And it's okay. In fact, it's pretty darn good.

I did the same thing with Ramon. I realized my life with him would get no better than it was at one particularly bad moment unless I did something about it. SO I tried and I tried and then decided . . . no more.

It's all about transformation for us both right now, I'm afraid, Darlin'. And that is a most wonderful and painful thing.

So, ask yourself, how do I make a travelling life work? I hear ya, sister. It's one of my aims, too. Both of us have done a pretty darn good job of making our lives travellin' ones thus far; I don't see why that should change, unless of course you allow yourself to be chained . . .

We're all chained, really, but the trick is to spend most of your time doing something so delightful to you that you hardly notice . . .

and you don't feel like you're selling your life away, day by day, hour by hour. THAT is a bitch. And it need not be the way YOU live.

Whatever happened to the phantom therapist? Canno' you find a Buddha-like Pamela in NYC to be your spirit guide?
Swimming? Hurrah!! Then you can come to the lake and show off your moves with me!
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