Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Oprah's talkin' about poop

and the fat on your colon. Well not your colon specifically. Now she's looking at dead constipated folks' colons slit open.

But that's not what I really wanted to talk about.

I have got to come to grips about my nervous eating. Or whatever it is. I applaud myself for not stopping for more bagels today, even though I really wanted to. But I slap my wrists for buying peanut mandms and a whatchamacallit candy bar and eating them in quick succession with a glass of skim milk right before I did an interview. It's like I'm stuffing down my emotions. My pants are feeling tight and I swear I can feel my skin stretching. That ever happen to you?

So, I did the interview with a 19-year-old drummer in Detroit with Williams Syndrome and now I'm looking around at the crumpled wrappers and wondering what the hell? I put myself into a trance with food and it's terrible. Got to work on mindful eating. Eat things, and know that I'm eating things, and enjoy them. What a concept!

Tracy the trainer called--apparently she's not in Vegas until next week after all, so I'm taking this as a sign from Gawd abuv in heaven that I need my ass kicked. Now.

I'm feeling totally stressed about work this week. I'm making myself a little sick and I'm skipping ballet tonight to work on some stories. It's just too much. Geez. Are we having the same week or what? And we ain't even over the hump. If I get cracking and get a couple pieces done tonight I'll be in much better spirits tomorrow. And hopefully nothing else will have to give.


How you?

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