Monday, May 23, 2005

Never get coffee flavoring syrups with Splenda from Marshall's.

I have just totally ruined a perfectly good iced coffee with a "chocolate raspberry" syrup which tastes remarkably like perfumed vomit.

I am so proud of your restraint! That shit is hard when you're under pressure. Hell, I just ate a whole Clif bar instead of the half I'd intended just reading the MoveOn Pac petition. And all I had to do was fill out the damned form.

Urg. Yesterday was a major lapse for me. Once my folks finally arrived I was all stressed. I dragged them to Ruby Foo's and I had, like, 20 pieces of maki, some chicken pineapple fried rice, AND dessert. Meep.

And I shamelessly had kettle corn later that night, too. A whole bag. So today, I'm making up for it by doing a very strict meal-without-snacks plan. The Clif bar doesn't count. It was part of lunch.

You are an enormously productive lady. You shouldn't feel like you are any steps behind! That worries me. Even though you have a bunch of time off during the week in theory, you are allways working! I still think you should move to Europe, though. I was dreaming yesterday of the same thing. I just have to figure out how to get one of those crazy Euro-mags to hire me as a gossip bitch or what have you. Yeah, that's it! Did you read the NYT travel mag piece about Montenegro? I think the author's name was Janine somethingorother, and she was talking about mentoring under Dessa somethingeasterneuropean, an Eastern Europe could do that, no? Be a correspondent? Would you hate that?

I did not see Frank today. I think I might try to see him tomorrow or Wednesday though. But I cannot do that whole Thursday thing again! I cain't!

And I am really much happier lately, getting up at 9 or 9:30 and spending heaps of time in the gym and cleaning up, rather than my old plan of late sleeping, 30 minute workouts and 5 minute showers. That made me kind of miserable. So I know what you mean about putting everything off until you've had your breakfast and run and bath!

Yes, I'll call you tonight! I'm working, but I'll buzz you late this evening. You are in class until 9, yesno?

And gnocchi. After all that other crap, at, like 1 this morning, i also had bloodly gnocchi. I don't even like gnocchi. My folks broght a package of it with them when they came. Somebody had given it to them, and they passed it on to me. Blech. Gnocchi? What was I thinking!
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