Monday, May 09, 2005


Hi there honey chil'. I sent my students off to report, so I thought I'd blog a little. We'll be doing some exercises with voice when they get back in 25 minutes.

Umm. I feel the earth has moved under my feet; thus, I have shifted. Feeling way less lousy and much more like myself. I'm meeting Tracy the trainer on Wednesday and I went for a kick ass run this morning before 8! Even though my ipod pulled a Nia and froze up on my ass as I was running' down Westnedge, I did not panic and finished strong. So proud of meself. Can you tell?

I popped into the Mac store on Mich Ave in Chi-town (remember?) and bought meself an armband holder majig for running with the lads (U2), a clear case and a voice recorder accessory. I am jammin'. Except when she freezes. Man did that thing get hot all up against my sweaty arm. Maybe that's why it froze. Doesn't that seem rather paradoxical?

I cooked up a nice mushroom, egg white omelette for brekkie, and had my famous creamy, lemony tilapia with tomatoes and olives for lunch. No dinner yet, but snacks of laughing cow and GG, apple, and yogurt. I feel pretty durn good. I feel like I've turned a corner on my food-crazed madness of yore. Gots ta keep it up now. I think the trainer will be great motivation, plus seeing you in the Chicago Blues HEAT and my cuz's wedding and Giselle. I figure the slimmer I am, the better I'll feel and perform in all these functions and more. This is my self talk that I am sharing with you. Can you glean a benefit for yourself? I've got my eye on summer fashion and keeping my sweaty thighs from rubbing together by reducing their size. . . .

Okay. We'll just have to chat soon, cuz we got more catching up to do than I can cover in this here blog.

I hope you're having a fantastic week--looks like you got some good blogging in while I was away. That's a good sign, no?

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