Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Body Bee-yoo-tiful

I bet you're right about your pants fitting better. You have been one hard workin' mama! Your snacks sound really good, too.

Yeah, you should probably hit the snacks and caffeine pretty hard to push through your tiredness. Are you doing sports drinks? With all your working out, I'm sure you're losing electrolytes, and that'll mess up your body. Make sure you're getting enough balance! Have you talked to Tracy about all the extra stuff you're doing (dance, running, training) ? Maybe she can recommend a good system of eats and drinks to keep you going on days like this?

I'm about to go and finally make this gazpacho before my produce goes to hell. I'm sure I will think it lovely and delicious tomorrow, but for now I just don't feel like making it!

I am getting better about the way I think about food in relation to my body. I'm getting the second-day soreness now, and it's made me very aware of myself, my body*, throughout the day, since all of my major muscle groups ache a little.

As a result, I've been more mindful of what goes in, today. I only did 45 minutes of cardio, and had nothing but coffee beforehand. After I got home, I zapped myself an Amy's broccoli and cheddar pot pie, had 2 more ryvitas with fish paste, and some Diet Pepsi, and headed off to work. After work, I had another Amy's pot pie (I love them!). Right around then, as I had hardly eaten anything (I think that all together rings in at about 1000 cals) and I again became convinced (or whatever word I may otherwise use in our private convos) that the axe would soon fall, and I decided what I really needed in my life was a giant double-scoop of sweet cream arse cream in a chocolate-dipped waffle cone. Then I thought, no, I'll go see Layer Cake again and pick up a full sundae from Emack on the way!

Then I started chopping some veg for that gazpacho, and thought some more about how I'd feel if the axe did finally just fucking fall already (!) and I thought, eh, it's not as bad as all that. And then I realized it was getting really close to movie time and so I rushed straight there without benefit of arsecream, promising myself if I really, really wanted some after the movie and my diet pep hadn't killed my sweet tooth, I'd stop and get some on the way home.

And then I watched that Craig fellow sauvificate his way through that movie and I thought, I wouldn't mind having someone like that. Which led to the, "and I need to be a wee bit (ginormously) fitter to increase the odds" internal pep-talk, which made me think, um, no arsecream.

But when I came out, I still wanted some, so I made a little tradeoff and went to a corner store and bought one of those Hagen Daas icecream bars (for nearly four motherfucking dollars, I might add, only in this crazy-ass city is a goddamned pre-packaged ice cream bar four dollars), which would give me a nice, contained, single-serving treat of deliciousness at 320 calories.

It were yummy. Unfortunately, I ate it over an FHM at B&N and dropped some on the mag, and then had to buy it. Well, I could have just shoved it back on the shelf and slunk away, but I'da felt bad.

That was way too long. Anyhoo, trainer Frank called and said he has to go out of town tomorrow, so no Wednesday session for me. Looks like it'll be Thursday, instead. I'll have to go through my routine tomorrow on my own! That'll be interesting, to say the least.

Oh, also, while I was perusing magazines, I found one called TravelGirl that seemed interesting but I wasn't the craziest about the content. Still, it made me want to do some travel writing. I would really, really, really love to get away for a few months....

We'll see. If I win the lottery, though, I'm doin' it, and you're coming along! LOL!

Hope you are feeling better soon lady!

*as an aside, this whole working out with trainer thing has made me think about what you said Pam told you about trying to connect with your body. I've realized I have very serious issues with it. There is nothing like catching yourself feeling sorry for your trainer (as he slings your leg over his shoulder to stretch you out post-workout) for having to do so, and not being able to look the man in the eye, nor look yourself in the eye in the gym mirror as you work out. Meh.

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