Saturday, April 30, 2005


I have been the opposite of good about doing my dieting lately, but I have managed to keep the takeout to a minimum this week (no Ruby Foos! Woot!) as I spent $100 on groceries that were delicious and good for me. In the last few days I have had some Special K, about 1.5 lbs. of berry goodness, an Amy's organic vegetarian enchilada pie, um, some spaghetti squash topped with veggie-sausage pasta sauce and roughly 2/3 of a 9" round strawberry bread heaped with fat-free whipped cream. (My bad.) And lots and lots of coffee. And yogurt. Mmmmm, yogurt.

I wish someone would invent donut-flavored yogurt. That would rawk.

I have been pretty consistent about my hexercise, having hit the gym 3 of the last five days, though I haven't been pushing myself beyond 40 minutes of cardio and my usual resistance routine. Dammit. Tomorrow morning I'll try to up it to an hour, but I may just be too tired. Aunt Flo's in town!

Cheers to your positive thinking. And next New Year in Paris! Or Barcelona? Or Venice? Praha? GLASGOW! (What? My new life goal is to be a dive/pub bartender, dude. How much fun will I have with the little sangrias? Eh? Those crazy Poles, on the other hand, they know their drunk.

I want to find me some of them thur GG crackers. They sound like they might taste like cork and sandpaper, but sometimes you need that. Here's my question: Better or worse than Wasa?

I'll put in a call to Krispy Kreme . . . they're in need of some saving in a new ways to spread their demonic donuts kind of way.
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