Saturday, April 30, 2005

deadline met

Well. Fifteen minutes later, actually. But the sucker's been filed. And now I must admit that in the 45 minutes it took me to physically write the bitch, I did indeed eat the rest of that coconut-almond candy bar plus another one in dark chocolate minus nuts (both organic and from the health food store and so much more delicious than any Mounds or Almond Joy that has passed my lips) plus three of those damned bran crackers--two with peanut butter (thank God the jar is empty; too bad I have another one waiting in my pantry that is really more like its own room) and marmalade and one with I can't believe it's not butter spray (remember when Fabio was in their commercials?) and marmalade with a cup of tea. I guess I'll just call it lunch and be done with it for a while. I tell you, weekends are the bane of my diet. Must. Have. Structure. Or maybe just leaving the house would do it. There's just too damn much food here. Maybe that's the thing--keep less food in the house. Although it seems that backfires for you in terms of takeout options. Not such a problem here. Well damn. It'll take me a while to eat down all the stuff I've got, so I'll have to forget that plan. I think I'll take the shiny, silky poochie for a nice long walk. He was dancing around when I was trying to type, so I better indulge him. Loved ones--even in the form of pets--are good for indulging.

So it occurred to me when I was walking through the semi-wilderness just how to appropriate such a method in our own lives. Sort of. We must learn to treat ourselves the way we treat each other, no? If you were here, I would certainly not feed you peanut butter from the jar followed by 18 bran crackers and lots of pudding and two ice creams. Because I love and respect you and want you to succeed in the ways you want to succeed. Love does not mean force feeding. Love means respecting the temple that is our body, giving it what it needs and allowing it to delight in genuine pleasure. Not peanut butter from the jar.

Would you please write something soon so I can shut up? Thank you, dahlink!
You are brilliant, did you know that? I love you! And respect you, and am so very proud of you and what you are achieving. You are an inspiration. And you remember that when you are sitting aruond feeding yourself concrete food blocks of death. That doesn't sound quite as good as I'd meant it to, but you understand, yes?
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